You can also pick up and drop balloons, so if one fails to reach the goal you didn't expect, you can pick another. You can now zoom through your bubbles and even drive them around the levels as well, providing greater freedom when it comes to planning your next move. Unlike the first two Bubble Witch Saga games where moving and jumping was only limited by the bounds of the game's bubbles, the third installment gives you a much wider range of movement.

As you advance through the game, you earn points that unlock more advanced levels, providing you with greater incentive to return to the game and try the harder levels if they are available. In order to save the girls, the three women must travel through the many zones present in each zone and defeat enemy Witches and Skeleming enemies along the way. They are soon lured into the land of Voodoo, where evil beings called Voodoo Soldiers attack their home and steal the three fairies they prize. The storyline revolves around three young women (nicknamed "Witch" for obvious reasons) who live in a peaceful town called Gravity Valley. If you have played any of the previous Bubble Witch Saga games, namely the original Puzzle Bobble and any of the others in the Bubble Witch Saga collection, you will know exactly what you are getting: an enjoyable, visually attractive puzzle game with a few tricky, multi-player mode modes to its credit.

Bubble Witch Saga 3 is now a totally free-to-play online bubble-game iPhone application.